Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

My Remarkable Experience in Writing 2

My Remarkable Experience in Writing 2 with Mrs. Lina
by Mardhatillah

Have you ever been in a big pressure when your lecturer asked you to do an assignment? Have you ever been in a situation when you forced yourself to get an interesting ideas in order to make your writing assignment attractive? All those questions are what I have experienced in writing 2 which is taught by Mrs. Lina. When she taught writing subject in my class, she made me aware that my ability in writing was not good enough. Day after day, I felt that my ability in writing got much progression. I passed some terrible and great moments at doing all of my writing projects. In this essay I will tell about my experience that I got when studying writing 2 with Mrs. Leni Marlina, so I will tell about my best essay that I have written in studying with her and how the process of my essay until I publish it in my fantastic blog.
I got many challenges in doing my writing projects with Mrs. Lina. I felt that I was in a big pressure when she gave the assignment. I forced myself to do it every day because the idea did not come quickly into my mind; sometimes the idea suddenly stuck and sometimes it suddenly appear. So when I got the idea, I wrote it directly into my small note. It was a hard work to combine every idea in order to make my essay unity and coherence. However, I knew Mrs. Lina as a lecturer wanted her student to be a marvelous writer. She asked students to copy the essay and share it to the classmates, seniors until three times revision. It spent much money. Can you imagine that my friends who came from a poor family? It was hard for them to pay the photocopy of their essay as many as possible. I guessed, it would be better just publish the essay in a blog and asked friends to correct and comment each other.
I studied writing 2 with Mrs. Lina two times a week in Wednesday at 8.50 am and Saturday at 7 am. She had to teach the lesson faster than usual because she would give her birth in the following day. Every Saturday, she gathered three class in the same time for 6 hours. The class was very crowded and full to overflowing. Can you imagine that? However, my friends and I knew that she was a very responsible person. She wanted to be tired in a pregnant condition in order to be responsible on her job. She is a great lecturer that I have ever met.
I learned many things about doing a good essay with her in studying writing two. Even though I felt that I forced myself to do an assignment from her but I knew Mrs. Lina wanted her student to be a wonderful writer. Actually I felt that my essay in writing 2 was the essay of a college student and in my opinion, my best essay was Discussion essay entitle “The Impact of divorce on children”. It was my best writing essay from free writing, Narrative essay and Discussion essay. I think so because I have written two essays before discussion essay, it made me got an experience to write a good essay and it made me strive to make my essay better than before.
At first, it was hard for me to think what title that I am going to write but after thinking hardly, I got an idea to make the essay about ”divorce”. However, divorce is no longer a taboo phenomenon anymore that happens in the society. Many people get divorce but they do not think about their children. If only they were known that children is the most painful victim in divorce. Divorce will give a bad impact for children’s emotional, psychological and mental.  Because of those reason, I decided to write “The impact of divorce for children” as the title of my discussion text. Besides, I thought my discussion text was my best essay because not only I corrected it but my essay was also corrected by my friends from K1 class, from another English class and seniors in English department. Thanks to Mrs. Leni Marlina, I learned more about how to make a good essay.
In writing my discussion essay, The first step that I did was free writing. I wrote my story without thinking about the grammar, unity and coherence, but I just thought about the ideas that come into my mind. Then, I combined every idea to make my story coherence each other and develop every idea into a long essay to make it more interesting. I combined my essays with some real evidences in order to support all of my opinions. Then I read my story until ten times or more to make sure that my essay was correct whether in grammar, unity and coherence. After that, I thought about the title of my essay. Then I printed it and asked my friends to correct. So I read the correction. When I thought the correction is correct, I corrected my essay in order to make my essay better than before. After Mrs. Lina corrected my discussion text, I posted it in my blog. Therefore, all people around the world can see my essay.
In conclusion, I got many experiences in studying writing 2 with Mrs. Leni Marlina which was terrible and great. I felt that I was in a big pressure to do all of assignments in a short time. I felt that I forced myself to write the essay day by day in order to have an interesting essay. However, I felt happy because I can create an interesting essay during a process in studying writing 2 by passing many process from making a draft of essay then printed it. After that, I shared it to my classmates and some seniors in English department so I corrected it again until I arrived in final writing process of my essay. Hence, I thought my best essay was discussion essay entitle “The impact of divorce on children” which supported by many real evidences. I just want to say that writing 2 which is taught by Mrs. Lina is one of hard subjects in this third semester.

3 komentar:

  1. I found one interesting sentence in your conclusion:
    "I just want to say that writing 2 which is taught by Mrs. Lina is one of hard subjects in this third semester."
    It's actually what I think. :)

  2. wow, good experience ^_^
    i like your writing ^_^

  3. i like the way you expand the idea ridha, good job... :)
